Llanelli Community Centres

The Town Council has developed a network of six Community Centres throughout the town; these are used extensively by the local community for various activities, such as playgroups, birthday parties, meetings, dance classes, keep-fit classes, etc. It is the policy of the Council to grant free use of the Centres to local Senior Citizens’ groups on one evening each week.

Most of the centres were converted from their previous uses, thereby ensuring that some of the town’s historic buildings were preserved for community use. Two of the best examples are Glenalla and Lakefield; both are now Grade 2 listed buildings which were saved from demolition by the Town Council. Both restoration schemes were recognised by Prince of Wales Committee Awards for the restoration of historic buildings.

Please contact the office on 01554774352 or enquiries@llanellitowncouncil.gov.uk to hire any of the centres.

The Community Centres